2013年4月23日 星期二

[音樂] stand by me

        一開始對"stand by me"這歌名印象深刻是因為徐小青暗戀的學長BBS的暱稱是"stand by me", 我們知道它是歌名後, 就想要把這首歌找出來. 當時知道的英文歌寥寥可數, Google Search又還沒這麼流行, 於是接下來幾個月中, 我倆經過唱片行的時候就會隨機搜尋一番, 如果這麼巧找到, 那就是徐小青與學長命中註定有緣啦. 我已經忘了當時有沒有找到, 倒是到現在都還記得那份小女孩的浪漫情懷.
        講到"stand by me", 可能另一首Ben E.King 為同名電影寫的主題曲更為有名, 而且也非常好聽. 歌詞又感人. 非常多人翻唱過, 我很喜歡這個世界合唱版, 正如前面黑人大叔所說的:

This song says, no matter who you are, no matter where you go in your life,
At some point you're going to need somebody to stand by you.

Oh yeah! Oh my darlin' Stand by me!
No matter who your are, no matter where you go in life
You're gonna need somebody, to stand by you.

No matter how much money you've got, or the friends you've got,
You're gonna need somebody, to stand by you"

        不過這次想要說的是oasis的"stand by me", 我認識oasis很晚, 當然也錯過了他們唯一一次來台演唱的機會, 他們的歌說搖滾也還好, 但是旋律就是琅琅上口, 幾乎到了一種洗腦的程度, 一不小心就會哼唱一整晚, 只是英文歌往往只記得旋律, 不記得歌詞. 出於愛, 我決定以後把我自己喜歡的歌用自己的話翻譯出來. 這樣愛歌們就可以旋律連同歌詞一起烙印在我心裡. 翻譯的很主觀, 有時不只是照字面翻, 還有加上自己的理解, 不過明顯翻錯的地方,  還是跟我講吧!

Made a meal and threw it up on sunday
星期日, 我吃了早餐又把它全吐了
I've got a lot of things to learn
Said I would and I'll be leaving one day
Before my heart starts to burn
在我心燃燒殆盡之前, 總有一天我要離開

So what's the matter with you
Sing me something new
Don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go away
難道你不知道, 風雨只是來來去去, 根本什麼都不在乎嗎?

Times are hard when things have got no meaning
當一切失去意義, 時間也變得難熬
I've found a key upon the floor
Maybe you and I will not believe in
The things we find behind the door
也許我和你都不相信, 打開這扇門後, 事情會變得不一樣

So what's the matter with you
Sing me something new
Don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go away
難道你不知道, 風雨只是來來去去, 根本什麼都不在乎嗎?

Stand by me, Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
陪伴我, 沒有人知道未來的路會怎樣
Stand by me, Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
陪伴我, 沒有人知道未來的路會怎樣
Stand by me, Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
陪伴我, 沒有人知道未來的路會怎樣
Stand by me, Nobody knows
陪伴我, 沒有人知道
Yeah nobody knows the way it's gonna be
是的, 沒有人知道未來會怎麼樣

If your leaving will you take me with you
I'm tired of talking on my phone
There is one thing I can never give you
My heart will never be your home

So what's the matter with you
Sing me something new
Don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go away
難道你不知道, 風雨只是來來去去, 根本什麼都不在乎嗎?

Stand by me, Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
陪伴我, 沒有人知道未來的路會怎樣
Stand by me, Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
陪伴我, 沒有人知道未來的路會怎樣
Stand by me, Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
陪伴我, 沒有人知道未來的路會怎樣
Stand by me, Nobody knows
陪伴我, 沒有人知道
Yeah, God will know
The way it's gonna be
是的, 上帝會知道未來的路是怎麼樣
